Social Work as a Human Rights Profession (MSW)
The study program is aimed at practitioners in educational and social institutions who (want to) recognise human rights as the umbrella and basis of their own profession.
In cooperation with the ASH and the EHB as well as the KHSB, the Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences at the HU, the Otto-von-Guericke Universität – UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, the Institute for Sociology at the Universität Basel and the Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte Berlin, the degree can be obtained through a part-time, four-semester program followed by a Master's thesis. The aim of the program is to train professionals who can incorporate and implement human rights issues in teaching, in domestic and/or international practice projects and within their own organisations.
All further information can be found on the website of the study program (Button below).
Program structure
The program is modularised and is divided into five modules with a total of 17 courses, which are offered on a part-time basis, usually as monthly four-day courses in the first year and as monthly three-day block courses in the second year. The study program begins with a 14-day spring university, the 2nd year ends with a one-week project presentation series. The Master's thesis, which is written in the fifth semester, can be used as the basis for a dissertation that further develops the Master’s thesis.
After successful completion of the program, the participating universities award the academic degree Master of Social Work (MSW). The program comprises a total of 90 credit points.
All further information can be found on the website of the study program (button below).
Enrolment and graduation
Enrolment is possible at one of the three cooperating universities (EHB, ASH Berlin, KHSB).
After successful completion of the program, the participating universities award the academic degree Master of Social Work (MSW). The program comprises a total of 90 credit points.
All further information can be found on the website (external URL) of the study program.