Press and newsroom


University press service

Welcome to the news and press pages of the EHB. Here you can find all issues of the newsletter, a press review with links to online news about our university, a selection of publications by our lecturers and the presidium's university reports.

As a contact for media representatives, we will gladly provide you with competent contact staff from science and teaching as well as information about current research projects, events at the EHB as well as teaching and further education offers. Contact us if you need any information whatsoever on the university or professional photo material!

We look forward to your call or e-mail.


Best regards,

Your Press and Public Relations Team

Downloads and links | english press releases


© EHB, Foto: Florian von Ploetz

Sibylle Baluschek, M. A.

Position Head of press and public relations

Telephone +49 (0) 30 845 82 262


Office House A, room A 109

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