Project StrInGEnt (2022–2023)

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A boost for the internationalization of Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin (EHB)

StrInGEnt – Developing international structures group-specifically

Project StrInGEnt will be followed by

The project ended on December 31, 2023 after two years. You can find out more about further developments in the area of international affairs at the following link (in German).

Report on the EHB Webseite

With the project “StrInGEnt – Strukturen international gruppenspezifisch entwickeln (Developing international structures group-specifically)”, funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) within the framework of the UAS.International program, the internationalisation of the EHB will be further developed, both strategically and structurally, until the end of 2023.

The project, which will initially run for two years, aims to further internationalise the EHB in terms of its breadth and structure as well as anchoring internationalisation as a cross-sectional task in all areas in order to make the EHB more efficient and attractive. To better prepare students for the challenges of a globalised world, support structures in counselling and the acquisition of linguistic and intercultural skills are to be developed and expanded. This also applies to lecturers and staff at the EHB, who will be given more opportunities to undertake further language and intercultural training.

Logos DAAD StrInGEnt EHB

Building a sustainable culture of internationalisation at EHB

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The strategy for the further internationalisation of the EHB, e.g. the integration of international elements into the curriculum, the development of English-language course offers at the EHB and further international offers at home or in the form of stays abroad as well as the necessary revision of processes should be further developed in a participatory manner with students, teaching staff and the administration. To this end, the Internationalisation Working Group, which has been operating informally up to now, is to be upgraded into a Steering Group for Internationalisation. This will be confirmed by the Academic Senate. In addition, workshops and an external evaluation of the measures implemented within the realm of the project are planned.

Financial resources are available for the development of English-language courses and for the invitation of post-docs from partner universities to the EHB for a semester. Further project measures include an increased cooperation with practice partners at home and abroad in order to be able to make targeted offers to incoming as well as outgoing students. In addition, criteria for strategic university partnerships are being established and the cooperation with strategic partners is being expanded and upgraded.

Internationalisation, hand in hand with digitalisation

In the project, the potentials of the digitalisation of teaching as well as administrative processes are to be used. In this area, close cooperation with the PoDiZ project focusing on digitalisation at EHB as well as on the areas of e-learning and IT is planned and has already begun.

Initial project duration: January 2022 to December 2023

More information about the project

Funded by

Copyright: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung


© Martin Leutner

Martin Leutner, Ph.D.

Position Head of Internationalization | Projekt Leader BRIDGES

Working areas Internationales / International Office

Telephone +49 30 585 985 682


Office A-Building, Room A 201

© privat

Stephanie Palm, M. A.

Position International Office | Deputy Erasmus Institutional Coordinator | Projekt Leader BRIDGES

Working areas Internationales / International Office

Telephone +49 30 585 985 683


Office A-Building, Room A 201

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